How it works
Home Total System Integration
Total System Integration
Every Rehlko generator’s power system is designed, manufactured and engineer in every detail down to the last bolt to ensure everything works together seamlessly including generators, transfer switches, switchgear, controllers and more.
Rehlko Generator
Diesel generators 10-4000 kW
Rehlko Automatic Transfer Switch
Rehlko Remote Annunciator
Rehlko Paralleling Switchgear
Rehlko Decision-Maker Controller
Rehlko Wireless Monitor
Rehlko Monitoring Software

How power generators work?

No matter at home or business, a power outage can be annoying and disruptive. It is vital to have a power generator (genset) backup system on standby mode and ready to be activated.

When there is a power outage, the auto transfer switch sends the signal to activate the generator. The engine will start the alternator to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy, ready to provide power in mere seconds.

When the power generator reaches the nominal/rated speed and voltage, it will restore power to the home or business. The power generator will continue monitoring the power being supplied to the equipment to ensure no interruption.